The Venn Diagram Tool: Identifying Your Risk Factors for Work-Related Stress
As helping professionals, we experience stress and trauma on a daily basis. It…
How to Take the Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) Self-Test
The Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) Self-Test is a free 30 question…
Low Impact Debriefing: Four Steps to Protect Yourself & Others
How do you debrief after you have heard or seen hard or disturbing things? Do…
Hot Walk and Talk Protocol
The Hot, Walk and Talk Protocol Developed by Dr. Patricia Fisher, 2012 This…
Ask the Expert: Q&A Webinar with Françoise Mathieu
Last week, Françoise had the honour of being invited to participate in an "Ask…
The Edge of Compassion - Françoise Mathieu giving a TEDTalk for TEDxQueensU
For the past 15 years, Secondary Trauma specialist and compassion fatigue…